
"Nixon DID turn out to be shifty and untrustworthy in the end."

"That first Nixon-Kennedy debate has long been cited as the founding moment of the triumph of image over substance - among all those TV viewers who thought Nixon's sweating and five-o'clock shadow made him look shifty and untrustworthy. But what if we've had it wrong about that debate? What if it wasn't Nixon's lack of makeup that troubled the TV watchers? After all, Nixon did turn out to be shifty and untrustworthy in the end. Perhaps all those voters who thought he had won hafter they heard the debate on the radio or read the transcript in the papers simply didn't have access to the range of emotional information conveyed by television. Nixon lost on TV because he didn't look like someone you would want as president, and where emotion IQ is concerned, looks don't always deceive."
Steven Johnson - Everything Bad is Good for You


eeb said...

good point!

tarra said...

good point, indeed!