Sarah Palin is her own worst enemy. On the one hand by she demands money to speak at an Iowa conservative political event most Republican politicians would fight for.
And then she chastises CBS for "providing a forum to propagate lies," saying "consider the source of the most recent attention-getting lies - those who would sell their body for money reflect a desperate need for attention and are likely to say and do anything for even more attention" (Levi Johnston in case you missed the thinly veiled reference). This in spite of the fact that she quit office after she was paid $1.25 million for her book deal of course. And after she railed against death panels (an untrue concoction of her own mind entirely).
So lets recap: She's paid $1.25M for a book deal, then leaves office, writes book, lies about death panels, calls Levi Johnston a liar, backs up this label by because he's getting money to pose in a magazine, but demands money to pose/speak in front of people?
It sounds like she's jealous of Levi's attention! Sarah Palin has certainly proved she's willing "to say or do anything for even more attention." I honestly hope Republicans don't pick her as their hopeful for 2012 - she's proven poised and ready to self-destruct at any moment. I prefer a democracy with GOOD candidate choices. Not one that's good, one that's a time bomb, and the standard mix of third-party choices. Of course if she is the nominee then maybe disillusioned Americans of various political leanings might get behind a third-party candidate in a way that's quite meaningful. But I digress....
If anyone seems desperate to stay in the media's attention I say its Sarah Palin. She did have her brief media hiatus upon leaving office... to focus on her book/collaborate with Lynn Vincent. But now she's back and ready to be the center of attention again (probably hoping to drum up more hype for her book).
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