***Note - every "----------" indicates a change in point of view. Confusing? Of course.
The day had been the perfect spring weather in the afternoon, but come evening dark and ominous clouds soared in overhead overshadowing the failing sun. By the time the sun succumbed to the inevitable, the clouds covered the entire sky. The pale moon was shrouded in darkness, and the stars failed to offer any radiance for the shivering earth.
Through the consuming dark a young woman dressed in all black (save for the words ‘Fall Out Boy’ on a broken heart logo) makes her way through the brush behind the apartment buildings closely followed by another black-clad figure. She works her way from building to building, peering around the corner in a meticulous (albeit unsteady) manner followed by her likeness, similarly wavering. She steadies herself with a hand on a rail of the stairway and starts to slowly ascend. On one of the steps she catches her foot and stumbles, breathing a “fuck!” in the otherwise still air. The girl following behind her emits a quick “shhhhhh” which fades off into a giggle. Reaching the top, the two slink their way to the apartment’s front door. The first girl struggles with the handle which is evidently locked. The second girl eyes the first and points behind her with a shaky finger while mouthing “back door.” The girls walk around the corner and up the fire escape stairs bouncing from wall to wall as it echoes loudly in the narrow corridor. A light in the balcony window in the next building flickers on for a just a second, and then the blinds are edged back. With a loud bang the second girl throws open the door into a darkened room and the two rush in.
One girl charges down the indoor stairs to the kitchen, flicking on all the lights, the kitchen sink, oven, stove, and television while the other maneuvers around the top landing flipping each switch, turning on the two bathroom faucets, plugging the bathtub, throwing the towels in, and turning the water on full steam. The two meet back at the top floor where they pound several times on the door labeled “c.” Then they bolt out of the apartment and down to path, running away into the black night.
I awake with a start as I hear some noises coming from outside my balcony window. I turn up the light but quickly rethink it as my eyes burn and flip them back off. I slide off my bed, and creep to the window where I inch back the blinds and peer across to the next building. I see girls stumbling in the staircase and barging into Danny, Mick, Jesse, and that short guy’s apartment. It looked like two of Danny’s best friends so I figure they’ve been drinking and decided to give Dan Dan our Drinking Man a drunken visit.
Pretty upset Dan decides just to go to bed. He pops some sleeping pills (feeling kind of guilty) and jumps into bed. His mind’s still racing through the argument in his head. He regretted losing his temper and saying those mean things he refused to recall, but they really shouldn’t have pushed him, controlled him, and treated him like that. They were his friends weren’t they? Oh no, were they still his friends? He tries to think about happier things. He finally got out of the relationship he didn’t want, that’s good. So what if they thought she was perfect for him. It was his life, wasn’t it? He pulls the covers tight as he finally feels his thoughts sink away.
Dan wakes back up as he hears some creaking of the stairs. He figures that it’s just Mick and Jesse coming back from that party they wanted him to check out. It’s too bad he turned it down because of the girls. He starts to drift off again, but it startled by the pounding echoing in the walls coming from the fire escape.
The two girls rush in, and through the door Dan realizes it isn’t the guys. His heart drops as he hears the familiar sound of his two best friends making their way around the apartment. He knows it’s them - - He can feel it. He can hear it in their breath and in their steps.
He waits for them to have their drunken tirade as he hears them pound on the switches and crank up the faucets, all the while wondering with guilt how he’d evoked so much hurt and anger from them. He let’s them pound on his door and can’t decide if he should answer it, ultimately thinking better of it on account of their impulsively violent state. He waits for them to leave and then checks out the damage.
I can’t believe that he would say those things! I never once tried to control his life. I – both Carrie and I – only wanted to help him out. We only wanted what’s best for him. I mean, when he met us he couldn’t have had a healthy relationship if his life depended on it. Hell, his first girlfriend here he didn’t talk to for two whole weeks! We had to solve the problem for him, he wouldn’t do it himself. Besides, that bitch was just using him!
Carrie and I take 3 more shots and then we reason we need to do something to get this out of our system. We need closure, we need clearance, and we need it now. I throw on my black Fall Out Boy sweater, hood up, with my black pants and shoes. Carrie also wears all black too although I’m too pissed off to really take notice.
Anger aside, I think it’s fucking hilarious what we’re doing. How hardcore are we? Turning on everything! He’ll waste his time turning it off, it’ll piss him off so much! I mean that asshole deserves what he gets. We’re the best friends he’s ever had and he really made me regret ever trying.
Whatever dude, he’ll never be happy without us. He needs us. I think after tonight he’ll realize that.
But we’re leaving him tonight.
Experiment #3
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10:37 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity
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