
Fighting Ignorance, One Reactionary at a Time.

Balboa Park Earth Day was a wonderful event. I was truly greatful for the experience. While I know our attempts to talk sense to the reactionaries at the park fell on deaf ears, hopefully those around who witnessed the events, arguments, discussion, and admittedly essentially a few shouting matches, were able to objectively weigh and determine their own opinions, and gain insight into either side. I respected everyone I talked to and was lucky to have interacted with them, even the ones who evidently think lowly of me (and my opinions).

And as a point of sharing what I learned: If your faith cannot coexist with science, then my biased and ineffectual judgment is that your faith is weak. If you don't want evolution or other scientific truths to be taught in school because you believe it goes against your theology, then you haven't true faith in God or the Bible. According to their faith, God and the Bible cannot be proved wrong. If rather than recognizing that God made and allowed for Science as a greater ability to discover truths, and recognizing that if your faith is strong then you can bring Faith and Science into harmonious coexistence, you shut your bodily senses, your mind, heart, and soul off from Science or Truth, then you haven't true Faith at all and are therefore shutting your soul off from God. What you have is a grossly distorted and misrepresented dogma which is indeed contrary to God and Biblical teachings.

This can be extend to other ideological principles as well. If you cannot listen to what people with opposing beliefs make their case or defend their position, let alone form your own balanced argument in respond, or at least critically analyze your views and the validity of theirs in your mind, then your beliefs are like not as strong as you might like to think.

I would hope that these ideas aren't excessively incendiary, but I would also hope that they would make you think critically about your own ideas. I know I'm trying to evaluate my own.