My sister and brother and I used to come up with funny fortune cookie possibilities. My sister still does. And now I still do too...
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
I've got nothing!
Open up my cookie, baby... oh, hey!
I’m Free at Last!
Expect the Spanish Inquisition.
That wasn't chicken...
Just say no to nylon.
A smile shows you like someone... To an extent
it is time for.... SPONTANEOUS FUN!!!!
Beware of aisle 22
you should have had a burger...
crack is whack
Fortune Cookie Fun
Posted by
1:10 PM
Labels: Just for Fun
Someday (i'll take it back to me)
someday i'll be big enough to comprehend the curve that you've thrown at me
someday i'll stand up strong and fix my life (and save it) from myself
someday i'll be so overjoyed to see you, i'll forget how you've hurt me
someday i'll end my quest for someone that i love as much as they love me
someday i'll look back and wish i'd have loved myself as much as i loved them
someday i'll be free, unfettered by others, not blaming them for what's wrong
someday i'll stop looking outside myself and instead look at my own self
someday i'll not the value that i posess, and not sell myself out short
someday i'll stop changing myself to be what others would like me to be
someday i'll rejoin the path again, sad that i lost myself when i did
someday i'll hold my own self dear and i won't let you get me down at all
someday i'll get the guts to say "no" and not be selfless at my expense
someday i'll be greatful for what i've been given and not still ask for more
someday i'll depart from here but only to return myself yet again
someday it will sing in, you only wanted what you that was best for me
someday my hands will really be washed clean of all of this mess i have made
someday i'll find a way to live in the moment, not lost in tommorrow
someday i'll stop caring about what they all think and say about me
someday i'll know who i'm not and who i am, and i won't look back on it
someday i'll be self-sufficient and i won't be self-conscious to a fault
someday i won't need someone to always have to call me on all my shit
some day i will take back the powers others have to make me feel ungood
some day i won't abandon myself or forget about me, replaced with you
someday i'll find the strength and the will to fix myself and all i've done wrong
someday i'll grow up and finally find myself
Posted by
9:58 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Unsent Series
A Farewell to Amor
train tracks to rise above and move against
and fight to break the mold
you weren't even that deserving
you're not even the cure
and you wonder why you even bother getting up in the morning
if you only could be here right now
looking up towards the glowing satellite
these walls of turmoil
these halls of white
and being stuck in a losing streak
where all you can do is grit your teeth
and pretend to smile
so you say you want to close the book with me
all you have to do is shut my cover
because you gave up ages ago
to be honest
i did the best i could to cover your hurt
but you wanted the melodrama
and you wanted the spotlight
but you were never a god to me
even though half of the world thought you were (at least in your eyes)
but what you didn't see is what you were honestly missing
the better parts of me
the parts that made everything right
so yeah, correct
we ended without a blow
but that doesn't really make a difference
because i know better than to fight
when we'll be gone for good in a week
and i wish you luck
but next time we meet
hopefully you will have grown up and seen
the rest me that you never saw
or maybe you hope we never meet
so you can just stop caring about me
because to be honest, my priorities are in order
and its hard to pencil you in
when you keep disappearing
and we're friends and then we're enemies every two weeks
but good luck, you're right
maybe its best to end it here
because at least we can both sleep at night
knowing we've said the things we didn't want to hear
or that in our minds we both "won the fight"
how childish of us
that we could never see
that both of us were infantile
and that we were never meant to be.
i will grow up too, and learn to get over the worst parts of you.
Posted by
9:53 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Unsent Series
Curtain Call
if my shadow must exist for your open arms to blow
then let it be for my world to break free
or if my life has gone away
let me live without myself.
you've treated me so good how could you say you did me wrong
you're still in heartbreak mode and you deserve to know
that at least you lived it well
the split second that you had
on stage for the whole world to see
and believe me, i know they're watching
my life should be as one breaks his toys
i've been made to be broken and the whole world's a stage
and now the crowd is cheering me now
cause at least i played it well.
one more glance through the dim faces of the house
i find my fears are met with truth
in their eyes i find a mirror of a thousand little shards
showing me the broken toys were my life,
my friends,
my heart
Posted by
9:45 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Unsent Series
A Lifetime Of Minutes and Stories
fixed on my head like a thorn in my side,
my tongue stretches words in the edge of my crown.
i am beautiful for my waiting on you.
don't you dare let me fall from this cliff i'm hanging from.
Chandelier sway light meets the water in my eyes.
plethora of spiders hanging cobwebs from the years.
i say i'm giving up on you,
you are taking too much of my patience and effort.
and what hurts me worse is that you'll never understand how unfair you're being to me.
you'll never understand the endless hours of misery i've suffered.
if i had a lifetime of minutes and stories to give you,
my glands would swell up and fill my mouth with blood.
do you know how many minutes you've taken off my life,
from so much energy i've taken worrying over you?
don't let these words go to your head, just because i wrote it about you.
Posted by
9:43 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Unsent Series
I guess I wrote this 2001
Cotton candy, baseball games,
Getting bigger, growing pains,
Running fast, walking slow,
Tripping, falling, a stubbed toe.
Making faces, crossing eyes,
Building blocks and bow ties.
First-day-of-school, brand new clothes,
Running ‘round the sprinkler hose.
Soft cool grass, hard hot cement,
Basketball, new hockey net.
California, Texas too,
Oklahoma, a house that’s new.
Little turtle, brand new dog,
Pet tadpole to a little frog.
Silly stories, a sore thumb,
Brand new candy, Chewing gum.
Meeting people, making friends,
Soft sand pits and jungle gyms.
Monkey bars, and swing sets too,
Dull scissors, and stinky glue.
Desks so big, chairs so small,
‘More cake now, I ate it all.’
‘Watch your mouth, don’t be rude!’
Lunch to talk, and eat some food,
Homework, tests, science fair,
Pulling, combing, and cutting hair.
Musicals, and class plays too,
Big service and Sunday school.
Falling down, a bumped head,
Now it’s time to go to bed.
Water fights, swimming pool
Hot summer days, snow so cool.
Christmas tree, pumpkin patch,
Let’s go out and play some catch.
Running wild, stuck in class,
Racing bikes down hills so fast.
Forest journey’s, getting lost,
Getting gifts, no matter the cost.
Dinosaurs, airplanes,
Lego sets, brand new games.
Toys R Us, Chucky Cheese,
Casa Benita,
Birthday cake
Climing a tree
Stung by a bee
Posted by
9:27 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Memorium
What Am I?
I wrote this in 2001 so 9th grade I wanna say
I flow like a river,
I pass like a song.
I give you more,
But you are never satisfied.
I can do anything:
Bring you life, happiness, or wealth,
Death, misery, sadness, or pain.
I change your life.
I know what tomorrow brings,
Where today goes,
I change your life.
And why yesterday came.
I bring you the future.
I brought you the past.
I’m holding today,
What am I?
Posted by
7:54 PM
Labels: Attempted Creativity, Nerdy
Never Together?
it's been years since someone wrote this to me...but it still stings.
"just remember, that i will ALWAYS be higher above you, no matter how fucking smart you think you are...i will always be better than you, because i have it together way more than you will ever fucking have."
have i never had it together? do i still not? who really knows i guess!
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: Memorium
From Mrs. Heasley's class, 2002
Throughout history convictions and beliefs have guided human actions. Such beliefs originate from a wide variety of sources that vary between individuals and communities and include innate tendencies, personal experiences, religious ideals, government decrees and social norms instilled through the media, schools and social interactions. Often one source of conviction prevails over the others, via social pressures, government impositions, a “religious” sense of right, or the individual’s sense of fairness. A person generally comes to accept his beliefs in one of three ways: blind acceptance without justification, acceptance with presumed justification but without analysis thereof, or acceptance with analyzed justification. George Orwell’s novel, 1984, follows the influence of these various pressures on the individual, illustrating how a government seeks to dominate the beliefs of individuals by forcing acceptance without rationale, and thereby producing a book that is highly relevant in the modern world as individuals choose either to struggle against or to accept ideas based on the various influences.
Posted by
2:58 PM
Labels: Nerdy